Thursday, 16 February 2017

Can't believe how busy things have been!  Time has disappeared so fast!  I think this photo was taken 3 weeks ago, the day before my son flew back to Australia for work.  My Grandad was in hospital so we made a flying trip to visit before he flew out, it was a great day and a great catch up.

Then on that weekend I had the KHS girls come for lunch, can't believe I didn't take any photo's ( mind you I was busy getting lunch ready!!) It was a great catch up, everyone was here and that was extra special as it was my birthday and I got soooo spoilt!  The two photos above are my pressies!  The house was filled with lots of chatter and laughter, it was so much fun.  And we had perfect weather so we sat outside for lunch!  It might have been our only summers day, we have had a lot of rain this summer!!   We also planed our projects out for the next couple of months........................the projects brought to do have a Christmas theme so that makes me happy!
It's hard to believe that our next meeting is actually this weekend, it seems to have been a short turn around for this one...........................but no complaints from me!!! So I will do my best to take photo's this time.
Enjoy what is left of your week,


  1. Time sure does fly! I hope your granddad is on the mend.

  2. Happy birthday Michelle x Do hope that your Grandad is on the mend.

  3. apreciada michelle mil gracias por compartir hermosos momentos familiares.
    reciba mi cariƱo en cristo jesus
