Now this is a finish for me, I started this late last year and have finally finished it! It was one of those projects where I started with a hiss and roar and then fizzed out really quickly!! But now it is finished and will take pride of place on the table....................when my sewing machine goes back out to the craft room! (it so nice to sew with the family around and they don't seem to mind the hum of the sewing machine!)
Now May in the farming world in Taranaki means one thing.......................clearing sales. This is an auction of old farm machinery, tools, etc. This usually happens when a farm is sold and they can't take all their treasures with them so they go up for auction. It is sad to say that they are few and far between now, but when they are on we do like to go, one man's junk is another's treasure! That's where I come in, I love going through box's and seeing what I can find. Below is my treasure from two sales last week.
This gorgeous old tin bath tub came with goodies (which I must say the boy's have been thru!!) |
This is the a very small milk can, a beautiful old rusty bucket and an old milking bucket and seat. The bucket is on top of the seat. |