Tuesday, 24 July 2012

I'm back and have one question for the Gold Coast..............where is the SUN?????? We where there for 10 days and they only gave us one day of sunshine!!  We had a fantastic trip the boys won the 7's trophy and we went thru the tournament unbeaten and hence won the trophy for the under 18 red division.  We went from this beautiful back drop to the mud and rain!

I have been home a week and its been fairly busy, with sport and we have cows calving..... early! But I had a wee mum moment this week as Ben had his first school ball.......................

This is Tatiara, his date to the ball, he looked handsome and she looked gorgeous.  Well I better go and do some housework it is long over due!  Have a great day, Michelle.


  1. Congratulations to the foothy team. Your son and his date look fabulous. You would've felt extremely proud .

  2. Quite A difference between the mud and the ball! They make a handsome couple, I'm sure you were very proud.

  3. Exciting to have the rugby win. Your son and date look wonderful.
